
Office of the company

IVAO Georgian Division (Alliance of Georgian Airlines)

IVAO Georgian Division (Alliance of Georgian Airlines)
A country: Georgia
Date of creation: 26-06-2019
Airport: Tbilisi - UGTB
WEB-page of the company: Open this page
Balance: 10.536.169.915 S
Reputation (PAX): 11426.1
Reputation (CARGO): 4492.78
Reputation (VIP): 19.556
Reputation (ON-LINE): 0
Title (% of company revenue)
The percentage of the pilot's income in the rank of Trainee : 0%
Founder and President (FaP) : 1%
Basic Flight Student [5 hours of a flight] (BFS) : 2%
Flight Student [15 hr of a flight] (FS) : 4%
AFS [25 hr of a flight] (AFS) : 6%
Private Pilot [40 hr of a flight] (PP) : 8%
Senior Private Pilot [100 hr of a flight] (SPP) : 10%
Commercial Pilot [250 hr of a flight] (CP) : 12%
ATP [500 hr of a flight] (ATP) : 14%
First officer 3rd class [Rating 750] (FO3) : 16%
First officer 2nd class [Rating 850] (FO2) : 18%
First officer 1st class [Rating 950] (FO1) : 20%
Captain 3rd class [Rating 1050] (CAP3) : 22%
Captain 2nd class [Rating 1150] (CAP2) : 24%
Captain 1st class [Rating 1250] (CAP1) : 26%
Senior Flight Instructor [Rating 1350] (SFI) : 28%
Chief Flight Instructor [Rating 1450] (CFI) : 30%
Additional Information

Company's pilots
ID Full name Rank Is Visit   Out In    
GNN805 Dimitry Kvachantiradze Founder and President (FaP) Simon Bolivar (SVMI) 02/11/24 20:58 Free

The last 20 flights
Date Full name Dep. Arr. A type Dist. Rating Revenues  
02/11/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze BIKF SVMI A380-800 3805 100% 19.984.190 S
01/11/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze PAJN BIKF A380-800 2906 100% 17.046.596 S
31/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UGKO PAJN A380-800 5018 100% 24.005.282 S
30/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze NSFA UGTB A380-800 8543 100% 40.586.798 S
30/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UGTB ULLK Tu-134A-3 1185 100% 1.257.056 S
25/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze YBRM YBBN IL-62MK 1834 100% 736.762 S
23/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UGTB UG05 A380-800 136 100% 2.557.134 S
22/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze ULLK UGTB A380-800 1212 100% 9.057.412 S
22/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UGTB ULLK A380-800 1188 100% 13.080.797 S
22/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UBBN UGTB 727-300 164 100% 311.690 S
22/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UGTB UBBN 727-300 188 100% 588.595 S
21/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze PANC UGTB A380-800 4689 100% 23.857.861 S
21/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze YBCS NSFA A380-800 2539 100% 20.406.617 S
18/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze AYPY YBUD 737-8 Max 969 100% 1.600.560 S
16/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UGTB NCRG 777-200LR 9493 100% 23.378.821 S
16/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze UGTB ULLK 707-320 1202 100% 2.888.194 S
15/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze NSFA AYPY 737-8 Max 2559 100% 4.296.168 S
15/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze NZAA NSFA 777-9 1611 100% 8.065.003 S
15/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze NCRG NSFA 737-8 Max 862 100% 1.757.990 S
12/10/2024 Dimitry Kvachantiradze NZQN NCRG 737-8 Max 2146 100% 3.303.036 S

Inventory statistics

Pilots : 19451
Companies : 432
Reserved : 17
In flight : 43
Total flights : 746520
Online : 4

Server VirtAirLines


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